Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The VA Concentration Camps

Answer to Stars & Stripes article about Vet committed for 8 years before even being seen by a shrink.

Oh, so, they call you in, lock you up, and throw away the key? No wonder the VA tried so hard to do that to me back in 1994 after they thought I knew too much about a prominent conservative intelligence officer and his "Sex life." They keep trying to get me to "Come in for a little exam," here lately too. I HAVE already found out that Judges don't like my anti-0bama website. And I WAS kept incommunicado for the entire term of that set-up DUI charge, first time in my life, even. Totally trashed, when I got out, from cell phone to bank account. Trusting the VA is somewhat akin to trusting the Gestapo if you have Jewish blood.
The funny thing? I'd been told to go to the VA in about 10 years after a '77 unneeded hernia surgery, as they'd "Sewn it up too tight." The claim that they "Can't locate my medical records, because they're in the hands of an unnamed agency." That "Surgery" was VERY painful, and its true purpose was to keep me from remembering intel-related matters of the time. But they had dirty little minds, and thought they had blackmail material! Now you know part of why the VA has had so much money thrown at it for so many years... For what I know to be the truth..
And am never asked to my face in the open. Just threatened with brain-altering chemicals and the like in a secure location, or shut up. The Judge was pressing for it, in fact.

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